Bash Cheat Sheet

Panduan singkat menulis syntax programming menggunakan BASH

Daftar Isi


Apa itu Bash?

Bash adalah shell Unix dan bahasa perintah yang ditulis oleh Brian Fox untuk Proyek GNU sebagai pengganti perangkat lunak gratis untuk shell Bourne.

Bash pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 1989, dan sekarang telah digunakan secara luas sebagai shell login default untuk sebagian besar distribusi Linux.

Kenapa Menggunakan Bash?

Bash adalah bahasa program yang solid yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat segalanya berjalan secara otomatis sehingga membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah.

Ini juga merupakan cara yang bagus untuk belajar tentang sistem operasi Linux dan cara kerjanya.

Bagaimana cara menggunakan Bash?

Bash adalah antarmuka baris perintah (CLI) yang digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan sistem operasi.

Ini digunakan untuk menjalankan perintah dan program pada sistem.

Bash adalah cara yang bagus untuk belajar tentang sistem operasi Linux dan cara kerjanya.

Mari kita mulai

Pertama silahkan membuat sebuah file dengan format .sh kemudian ketikkan beberapa perintah yang akan dijelaskan tiap section di bawah.

Untuk menjalankannya pastikan file tersebut sudah executable dengan melakukan chmod +x

Kemudian jalankan file bash yang sudah dibuat dengan perintah ./

Hello World


echo "Hello World"

Execute the script

bash ./



# Assign a value to a variable
name="John Doe"

# Print the variable
echo $name

Bash Comments


# This is an inline comment

: '
This is an
multi-line comment

Note: Multi-line comments use :’ to open and ’ to close


Argument Description
$1 … $9 The first 9 arguments to the Bash script. (As mentioned above.)
$0 The name of the Bash script.
$# How many arguments were passed to the Bash script.
$$ The process ID of the current script.
$* All the arguments
$@ All the arguments, starting from the first one.
$- Options passed to the shell.
$? The exit status of the last command that was run.



# Print the first argument
echo $1

# Print all the arguments
echo $*

# Print all the arguments starting from the first one
echo $@

Execute the script

bash ./ "Hello" "World"



# Define a function
function World() {
  echo "World"

# Call the function
echo "Hello $(World)"

Go to Bash Functions



# Define a variable
name="John Doe"

# Check if the variable is empty
if [ -z "$name" ]; then
  echo "The variable is empty"
  echo "The variable is not empty"

Go to Bash Conditionals

Brace expansion

Expression Description
{a,b,c} Matches a, b, or c.
{a,b,c}.ts Matches a.ts, b.ts, or c.ts.
{1..5} Matches any number from 1 to 5.



# Create a directory a, b, c
mkdir {a,b,c}

# Create a file with the name a.ts, b.ts, c.ts
touch {a,b,c}.ts

# Create a file with the name 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt, 4.txt, 5.txt
touch {1..5}.txt

Shell execution


# Execute a command
echo "Hello $(whoami)"

# Execute a command with ``
echo "Hello `whoami`"

Bash Parameter expansions


Expression Description
${FOO%suffix} Remove the shortest matching suffix pattern from the end of $FOO.
${FOO#prefix} Remove the shortest matching prefix pattern from the beginning of $FOO.
${FOO%%suffix} Remove the longest matching suffix pattern from the end of $FOO.
${FOO##prefix} Remove the longest matching prefix pattern from the beginning of $FOO.
${FOO/from/to} Replace the first matching instance of from with to in $FOO.
${FOO//from/to} Replace all matching instances of from with to in $FOO.
${FOO/%from/to} Replace the suffix matching from with to in $FOO.
${FOO/#from/to} Replace the prefix matching from with to in $FOO.
${FOO:0:3} Extract the first 3 characters of $FOO.
${FOO:(-3):3} Extract the last 3 characters of $FOO.
${#FOO} The length of $FOO.
Default values
${FOO:-bar} Use the value of $FOO if it is set, otherwise use bar.
${FOO:=bar} Use the value of $FOO if it is set, otherwise set it to bar.
${FOO:+bar} Use bar if $FOO is set, otherwise use the empty string.
${FOO:?bar} Use the value of $FOO if it is set, otherwise print bar to stderr.


# !/bin/bash

echo ${FOO:-val} # Use the value of $FOO if it is set, otherwise use val.


# Remove the extension
echo ${STR%.txt} # /path/to/file

# Change the extension
echo ${STR%.txt}.md # /path/to/

# Get the directory
echo ${STR%/*} # /path/to

# Get the extension
echo ${STR##*.} # txt

# Get the file
echo ${STR##*/} # file.txt

# Change the file name to test
echo ${STR/file/test} # /path/to/test.txt



STR="Hello World"

# Get the first 5 characters
echo ${STR:0:5} # Hello

# Get the last 5 characters
echo ${STR:(-5):5} # World

Basepath & Dirpath



# Get the basepath
echo ${STR##*/} # file.txt

# Get the dirpath
echo ${STR%/*} # /path/to



STR="Hello World"

# Convert to uppercase
echo ${STR^^} # HELLO WORLD

# Convert to lowercase
echo ${STR,,} # hello world

# Capitalize the first letter
echo ${STR^} # Hello world

# Capitalize the first letter of each word
echo ${STR^^^} # Hello World

# Capitalize the first letter of each word
echo ${STR^ ^} # Hello World

# Capitalize the first letter of each word
echo "${STR[@]^}" # Hello World

# lowercase the first letter of each word
echo "${STR[@],}" # hello world

Bash Arrays

Defining arrays


# Define an array
NUMBERS=(1 2 3)

# Define an array with a range

# Define an array with a range

# Define an array1, array2, and array3
array1=(1 2 3)
array2=(4 5 6)
array3=(7 8 9)

# Merge the arrays
array=("${array1[@]}" "${array2[@]}" "${array3[@]}")

# Declare an array with a range
declare -a numbers(1 2 3)

# Add an element to the array in the last position

# Add an element to the array in the first position
numbers=(0 "${numbers[@]}")

# Add an element to the array in the second position
numbers=("${numbers[@]:0:1}" "1" "${numbers[@]:1}")

Indexing arrays

Expression Description
${NUMBERS[0]} Get the first element of the array.
${NUMBERS[-1]} Get the last element of the array.
${NUMBERS[@]} Get all elements of the array.
${NUMBERS[*]} Get all elements of the array.
${#NUMBERS[@]} Get the length of the array.
${#NUMBERS} Get the length of the 1st element of the array.
${#NUMBERS[n]} Get the length of the nth element of the array.
${NUMBERS[@]:3:2} Get the 2 elements starting at index 3.
${!NUMBERS[@]} Get all indexes of the array.

Iterating arrays


# Define an array
NUMBERS=(1 2 3)

# Iterate over the array
for i in "${NUMBERS[@]}"; do
  echo $i

# Iterate over the array with index

for i in "${!NUMBERS[@]}"; do
  echo "$i: ${NUMBERS[$i]}"

Bash Arrays Operations


# Define an array
NAMES=("John" "Jane" "Jack")

# Push an element to the array
NAMES=("${NAMES[@]}" "Jill")

# Other way to push an element to the array

# Remove by RegEx pattern matching

# Remove one element by index
unset NAMES[0]

# Duplicate an array

# Concatenate two arrays
NAMES3=("${NAMES[@]}" "${NAMES2[@]}")

# Reverse an array
NAMES=("${NAMES[@]}" | tac)

# Sort an array
NAMES=($(printf '%s\n' "${NAMES[@]}" | sort))

# Read from file
NAMES=($(cat file.txt))

Arrays as arguments


# Define an array
NAMES=("John" "Jane" "Jack")

# Pass the array as arguments
function print_names() {
  for i in "${@}"; do
    echo $i

print_names "${NAMES[@]}"

Bash Dictionaries

Defining dictionaries


# Define a dictionary
declare -A DICT

# Add dictionary with values

Working with dictionaries


# Pritn by key
echo ${DICT["key1"]}

# Print all values
echo ${DICT[@]}

# Print all keys
echo ${!DICT[@]}

# Length of the dictionary
echo ${#DICT[@]}

# Delete a key2
unset DICT["key2"]

Iteration over dictionaries


# Iterate over the dictionary
for val in "${DICT[@]}"; do
  echo $val

# Iterate over the keys
for key in "${!DICT[@]}"; do
  echo $key

# Iterate over the dictionary with keys
for key in "${!DICT[@]}"; do
  echo "$key: ${DICT[$key]}"

Bash Conditionals

Integer conditions

Operator Description
[[ NUM -eq NUM ]] Equal
[[ NUM -ne NUM ]] Not equal
[[ NUM -gt NUM ]] Greater than
[[ NUM -ge NUM ]] Greater than or equal
[[ NUM -lt NUM ]] Less than
[[ NUM -le NUM ]] Less than or equal
(( NUM > NUM )) Greater than
(( NUM >= NUM )) Greater than or equal
(( NUM < NUM )) Less than
(( NUM <= NUM )) Less than or equal

String conditions

Operator Description
[[ -z STR ]] Empty string
[[ -n STR ]] Not empty
[[ STR ]] Not empty
[[ STR == STR ]] Equal
[[ STR = STR ]] Equal (deprecated)
[[ STR < STR ]] Less than
[[ STR > STR ]] Greater than
[[ STR =~ REGEX ]] Match regex
[[ STR =~ ^REGEX$ ]] Match regex (full match)

File conditions

Operator Description
[[ -f FILE ]] File exists
[[ -e FILE ]] File exists
[[ -d FILE ]] Directory exists
[[ -r FILE ]] File is readable
[[ -h FILE ]] File is a symbolic link
[[ -w FILE ]] File is writable
[[ -x FILE ]] File is executable
[[ -s FILE ]] File is not empty
[[ -O FILE ]] File is owned by you
[[ -G FILE ]] File is owned by group
[[ -L FILE ]] File is a symbolic link
[[ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ]] File1 is newer than File2
[[ FILE1 -ot FILE2 ]] File1 is older than File2
[[ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ]] File1 is same as File2

More conditions

Operator Description
[[ -o OPTION ]] Option is enabled
[[ -v VAR ]] Variable is set
[[ -R VAR ]] Variable is read-only
[[ -S VAR ]] Variable is a socket
[[ -p VAR ]] Variable is a pipe
[[ -b VAR ]] Variable is a block dev
[[ ! CONDITION ]] Negate condition



# String
if [[ -z $STR ]]; then
  echo "Empty string"
elif [[ -n $STR ]]; then
  echo "Not empty"
  echo "Not empty"

# Combinations
if [[ $X && $Y ]]; then
  echo "Both are true"
elif [[ $X || $Y ]]; then
  echo "One is true"
  echo "Both are false"

# Regex
if [[ $STR =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  echo "String is a number"

# Smaller
if [[ $X < $Y ]]; then
  echo "X is smaller than Y"

# Exists
if [[ -f $FILE ]]; then
  echo "File exists"

Logical and, or, not


# Logical and
if [[ $X && $Y ]]; then
  echo "Both are true"

# Logical or
if [[ $X || $Y ]]; then
  echo "One is true"

# Logical not
if [[ ! $X ]]; then
  echo "X is false"

Bash Loops

For loop


# For loop
for i in {1..10}; do
  echo $i

For loop like C


# For loop like C
for ((i=1; i<=10; i++)); do
  echo $i



# Ranges
for i in {1..10}; do
  echo $i

# Ranges with step
for i in {1..10..2}; do
  echo $i

While loop


# While loop with auto increment
while [[ $i -le 10 ]]; do
  echo $i

# While loop with auto decrement
while [[ $i -ge 1 ]]; do
  echo $i



# Continue
for i in {1..10}; do
  if [[ $i -eq 5 ]]; then
  echo $i



# Break
for i in {1..10}; do
  if [[ $i -eq 5 ]]; then
  echo $i

Until loop


# Until loop
until [[ $i -gt 10 ]]; do
  echo $i

Infinite loop


# Infinite loop
while true; do
  echo "Infinite loop"

# Infinite loop with (shorthand)
while :; do
  echo "Infinite loop"

Loop over file.txt Read line by line


# Loop over file.txt
while read -r line; do
  echo $line
done < file.txt

Bash Functions

Defining functions


# Defining functions
function hello() {
  echo "Hello World"

# Defining functions (shorthand), same as above
hello() {
  echo "Hello World"

# Calling functions

Returning values


# Returning values
function myfunc() {
  local myresult='Hello World'
  echo $myresult

# Calling functions

# Printing result
echo $result

Raising errors


# Raising errors
function myfunc() {
  local myresult='Hello World'
  echo $myresult
  return 1

# Calling functions
if myfunc; then
  echo "Success"
  echo "Failed"

Passing arguments


# Passing arguments
function myfunc() {
  echo "First argument: $1"
  echo "Second argument: $2"
  echo "All arguments: $@"

# Calling functions
myfunc "Hello" "World"

Bash Options


Option Description
-o Set options
-o noclobber Disable file overwriting
-o errexit Exit on error
-o errtrace Exit on error in function
-o functrace Exit on error in function
-o nounset Exit on undefined variable
-o pipefail Exit on pipe error
-o xtrace Print commands and their arguments as they are executed
-o verbose Print shell input lines as they are read



# Options

# Disable file overwriting
set -o noclobber

# Exit on error
set -o errexit

# Exit on error in function
set -o errtrace

# Exit on error in function
set -o functrace

# Exit on undefined variable
set -o nounset

# Exit on pipe error
set -o pipefail

# Print commands and their arguments as they are executed
set -o xtrace

# Print shell input lines as they are read
set -o verbose

Glob options

Option Description
shopt Set options
shopt -s nullglob Disable globbing and return an empty string if no matches are found
shopt -s failglob Disable globbing and return an empty string if no matches are found
shopt -s dotglob Include hidden files in globbing
shopt -s nocaseglob Case insensitive globbing
shopt -s globstar Enable recursive globbing
shopt -s globasciiranges Enable globbing of ASCII character ranges
shopt -s extglob Enable extended globbing



# Glob options

# Disable globbing and return an empty string if no matches are found
shopt -s nullglob

# Disable globbing and return an empty string if no matches are found
shopt -s failglob

# Include hidden files in globbing
shopt -s dotglob

# Case insensitive globbing
shopt -s nocaseglob

# Enable recursive globbing
shopt -s globstar

# Enable globbing of ASCII character ranges
shopt -s globasciiranges

# Enable extended globbing
shopt -s extglob

Bash History


Command Description
history List history
sudo !! Run last command as root
shopt -s histappend Append to the history file, don’t overwrite it


Expansion Description
!$ Last argument of last command
!* All arguments of last command
!^ First argument of last command
!-n Command number n
!-n:p Print command number n
!-n:e Edit command number n in $EDITOR
!n Command starting with n
!<command> Last command starting with command
!?command? Last command containing command

Bash History Operations

Operation Description
!! Execute last command
!!:s/foo/bar Substitute foo with bar in last command
!!:gs/foo/bar Substitute foo with bar globally in last command
!$:t Print last argument of last command
!$:h Print last argument of last command without extension

Note: !! is the same as !-1, and !! & !$ can be replaced with any valid expansion.


Slice Description
!!:n Last n arguments of last command
!!:n-m Arguments n to m of last command
!!:n-$ Arguments n to end of last command
!!:0-n Arguments 0 to n of last command
!^ First argument of last command
!^:n First n characters of first argument
!^:n-m Characters n to m of first argument
!$ Last argument of last command
!$:n Last n characters of last argument
!$:n-m Characters n to m of last argument

Note: !!:n is the same as !-1:n, and !! can be replaced with any valid expansion i.e. !cat, !-2, !42, etc.


Numeric calculations


# Numeric calculations
echo $(( 1 + 1 ))
echo $(( 1 - 1 ))
echo $(( 1 * 1 ))
echo $(( 1 / 1 ))

# Floating point calculations
echo "scale=2; 1 / 3" | bc

# Random number between 0 and 100
echo $(( RANDOM % 100 ))



# printf
printf "%s\n" "Hello World"

# printf with colors
printf "\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n" "Hello World"



# Subshells
echo $(date)

# Subshells with variables

# Change directory in subshell
(cd /tmp && echo "Current directory is: $(pwd)")

Inspecting commands


# Inspecting commands
command -v ls

# Inspecting commands with arguments
command -v ls -- --help



# Redirection

# Redirect stdout to file
echo "Hello World" > /tmp/hello.txt

# Redirect stdout
node test.js > /tmp/test.txt

# Append stdout
node test.js >> /tmp/test.txt

# Redirect stderr
node test.js 2> /tmp/test.txt

# Append stderr
node test.js 2>> /tmp/test.txt

# Redirect stdout and stderr
node test.js &> /tmp/test.txt

# Append stdout and stderr
node test.js &>> /tmp/test.txt

# Redirect stdout and stderr
node test.js > /tmp/test.txt 2>&1

# Append stdout and stderr
node test.js > /tmp/test.txt 2>&1



# Pipes

# Pipe stdout to stdin
echo "Hello World" | cat

# Pipe stdout and stderr to stdin
node test.js | cat

# Pipe stdout to stdin and stderr to stdout
node test.js 2>&1 | cat

Process substitution


# Process substitution

# Redirect stdout to file
echo "Hello World" > >(cat > /tmp/hello.txt)

# Redirect stdout and stderr to file
node test.js > >(cat > /tmp/test.txt) 2>&1

Source relative


# Source relative
source "$(dirname "$0")/"

Directory of script


# Directory of script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"



# Switch/Case
case "$1" in
    echo "Starting..."
    echo "Stopping..."
    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
    exit 1

Trap errors


# Trap errors
trap 'echo "Error on line $LINENO"' ERR

# trap 'trapecho "$BASH_COMMAND"' ERR
trapecho() {
  echo "ERROR: ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}: ${FUNCNAME[1]}: $1"

# trace ERR through 'time command' and other functions
set -o errtrace

# trace ERR through 'time command' and other functions
trap 'trapecho "$BASH_COMMAND"' ERR

Getting options


# Getting options
while getopts ":a:b:" opt; do
  case $opt in
    a) echo "-a was triggered, Parameter: $OPTARG" >&2
    b) echo "-b was triggered, Parameter: $OPTARG" >&2
    \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2

Check for command’s result


# Check for command's result
if command -v ls &> /dev/null; then
  echo "ls exists"
  echo "ls does not exist"

Grep check


# Grep check
if grep -q "Hello World" /tmp/hello.txt; then
  echo "Hello World exists"
  echo "Hello World does not exist"

# Check for file
if [ -f /tmp/hello.txt ]; then
  echo "/tmp/hello.txt exists"
  echo "/tmp/hello.txt does not exist"

Special variables

Variable Description
$0 Script name
$? Exit code
$! PID of last background process
$$ PID of current process

Backslash escapes

Escape Description
\a Alert (bell)
\b Backspace
\e Escape
\f Form feed
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\v Vertical tab
\\ Backslash
\nnn Octal number
\xhh Hexadecimal number
& Background process
&& Run next command if previous command was successful
| Pipe
| | Run next command if previous command was unsuccessful

Note: The backslash escape is not needed for the following characters: ! $ " ' \, and \ can be used to escape itself and the following characters.



# Heredoc
cat << EOF
Hello World

Reading input


# Reading input
read -p "Enter your name: " name
echo "Hello $name"

Optional arguments


# Optional arguments
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo "No arguments supplied"
  echo "Argument supplied: $1"

Strict mode


# Strict mode
set -euo pipefail


Git Cheat Sheet
Ditulis oleh Rafi pada Friday, 25 November 2022
mrfdn author


  • 15 year+ of Linux user.
  • 5 years+ blogger and web developer.

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